Living a Lactose Free Life

I’ve always had stomach issues. It dates back to a particularly bad bout of gastroenteritis I caught in Ibiza when I was nineteen which resulted in me losing half a stone in five days and having to fly home early. The aftereffects lasted for a few years until I had a colonoscopy and my consultant prescribed me tablets that he said were strong enough to kill any unknown lurking parasites. After this my stomach problems rumbled on and on and I learnt to deal with it. It got worse again about 18 years ago, and my doctor diagnosed IBS and a bowel infection. It was easy after this to assume that every stomach flare up or issue was IBS. Things only changed earlier this year when I noticed that my stomach was worse after a few particular meals. Cheese seemed to be the only common factor and Google told me that the ability to digest cheese properly get less as you age. So, I put it down to that. Over the next couple of weeks, the symptoms seemed to increase, and I could alw...