This is me!

Well, here it is; my second blog. In case you’re wondering why one wasn’t enough, the other one is primarily about health (including mental health) and fitness. I found that I wanted to write about more than just that though and this seemed the easiest way.

So a bit about me now. My name is Erica which I hate, I was named after my dead grandad who died 4 days before I was born. I wasn’t allowed to forget that as my mother would remind me on my birthday every year. I did actually spend several birthdays visiting his grave. I had such a fun upbringing but more of that later!

I’m 51 years old (52 tomorrow so happy birthday to me!) I’m divorced with 2 kids, one is 21 and the other is 15. The youngest has learning difficulties and is a highly talented para athlete, the oldest has just graduated from university and started work. They drive me insane but they are my reason for everything I do.

I work for myself. I used to be a civil servant but with my youngest needing extra help. It wasn’t feasible to keep commuting. I really am a jack of all trades! I write a bit, do some work for a survey company and some freelance stuff for a few other companies. I don’t earn enough and am up to my eyes in debt but I’m chipping away at that.

I’m quite overweight at the moment (gave up on the fitness blog!) but am trying to do something about it. I also suffer from mild depression which is quite bad st the moment so I’m relying on St John’s Wort to try and lift me. It comes and goes, sometimes life just gets a bit overwhelming.

So that’s a quick bit about me. I’m starting this blog really just do I can ramble on a bit or vent about things that are pissing me off. I did think if I blog about how I’m coping with certain things then it might even help someone else if they are in a similar situation.

Anyway that’s enough about me for now and I’ll speak to you soon

Love Erica xxx


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