
Showing posts from May, 2020

Who can you trust?

“All the world is made of faith, trust and pixie dust”  – Peter Pan We grow up putting our trust in people. As a child you trust your parents to look after you. You trust your friends to support you. As an adult you trust society to treat you well if you do the right thing. In today’s world though, is it naïve to be trusting? Who can we really rely on? Can we trust the police to be impartial enforcers of the law? The awful truth is probably not if you’re black especially if you live in America. We live in a democracy so we trust our government to maintain a society where we can all thrive. I don’t want to get too political but the UK government’s handling of the corona virus pandemic has made it extremely difficult to trust them with anything. Even before that, years of austerity with families in poverty and scores of homeless people makes it almost impossible to trust that the government are doing the best for all. The world is changing around us and we may never retur...

Little People Belittle People

It’s that tone of voice, the dismissive attitude, the comment that shows they don’t think anything of your accomplishments. I’m sure it’s happened to all of us more than once. So what do you do about it? The first reaction is probably to do what I’ve done many times and that’s just to disappear off on your own and cry for a bit. I take things personally and am my harshest critic. I don’t think this is a bad option though as it lets your feelings out and then you can think what to do. You could confront the person and explain how they have made you feel. They may be horrified and apologise profusely. You would have to be prepared though for the fact that they may feel that you are attacking them and they’ll try to twist the argument back against you. You may come to the realisation that it’s just not worth confronting these type of people as you are the one who will end up feeling worse. Probably the best option is to deal with belittling behaviour or comments by having the self e...