A journey part 1

Ok, deep breath, here I go. So breast cancer has been a lurking presence in my life for a long time. My mum had it twice. First time she had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Second time after repeated lumpectomies she ended up with a mastectomy and a decade on hormone treatment. I had it drummed into me about how to check and what to do to mitigate the fact that I was higher risk because of my mum. 

Anyway on 26th April I found a tiny lump while in the shower. We were going to Coventry that weekend so I brooded on it until Monday and then pulled on my big girls pants and got an emergency doctors appointment. She confirmed it was there and very small (1-2 cm) she referred me immediately to the hospital and I got an appointment for 9th May. 

I spent the time waiting for the appointment googling different things it could be apart from cancer. My appointment included a multitude of tests. I had a mammogram first, then a second one with higher contrast,  then an ultrasound where the radiologist thought it might be fat necrosis from an injury to my boob. To be on the safe side he wanted to do a biopsy. I actually ended up with a biopsy of the lump and also one of two lymph nodes that were a bit swollen. 

I was manically bruised after this and couldn’t lift anything for 48 hours. I had an appointment for the next week so just had to wait. I was convinced it was fat necrosis and so were the girls.

Unfortunately we were wrong. At my next appointment I went to see the senior consultant and he confirmed that the biopsy results showed that the lump was a cancer. To give it the full name, it’s an invasive ductal carcinoma. There was also some cancer cells in the lymph nodes.

The positive news is that this was found early. My consultant has recommended a lumpectomy and boob lift combined plus all the lymph nodes on that side removed. The operation is scheduled for 12th June. If the margins around the tumour are clear once it’s removed then it’ll be radiotherapy afterwards. This will either be 5 sessions or 3 weeks of sessions if they want to give the lymph nodes an extra blitz. All being well, it’ll just be hormone treatment after that to help prevent a reoccurrence. My mum had that and it worked for her. 

I can also have a breast reduction on the other side when this is all done so my boobs will end up back where nature intended. 😂😂

The worse thing about this is the waiting! I’m still 2 weeks away from surgery so Damien (my name for the bastard tumour) is still with me. After surgery  it’ll be another wait for pathology then a wait while I recover before radiotherapy which I know I definitely need but not for how long. Chemo is still there as a possibility but so much depends on pathology following surgery. 

Quick update as it’s now surgery tomorrow. It’s been a bloody stressful week. The hospital forgot to arrange my pre op assessment and I had to chase them. It was finally arranged for Sunday. All was good apart from stress making my blood pressure skyrocket. I then got a call from my Drs surgery yesterday to make an appointment to have my blood pressure urgently reviewed as my surgery was at risk. You can imagine what this did to my stress levels!!! So I rushed out and bought a blood pressure monitor to check it myself. I saw my doctor today and he agrees it’s anxiety but has given me medication to lower it so the op can go ahead. Strangely I feel calmer now. Bag is packed and ready for the early start tomorrow.


See you on the other side 

So here ends part one! Part 2 to come post op


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