
 I thought I would just cover a few things here that anyone who is themselves or who has a loved one going on this rollercoaster journey like me, might find useful or interesting.

1. You will feel better once you’re home, everyone does, but don’t expect to feel normal! Get help, don’t do too much and if help isn’t automatically offered then demand it!!

2, if you come home with a drain, stick it in a tote bag that you can put on your shoulder. Easiest way to carry it and not forget it. 

3. Take the painkillers and don’t be a hero! You will know your own pain tolerance so judge it accordingly. For me, so far paracetamols have been enough. I took codeine once but didn’t like how I felt.

4. Your bowels will be a bit buggered up. Surgery does this and codeine can make it worse. I was given medicine to help and also am eating fruit and prunes!

5. Rest but walk as well! Energy levels will vary but I have found that once I started walking more, my general health felt better.

6. Do your exercises! They do help with improving movement 

7. Don’t reach for things higher than your shoulder or lift things on your surgery side. I’ve spent periods of time alone over the weekend so made sure that everything I would need was in reach or already switched on.

8. Be positive! This was a big step! The cancer is hopefully all gone! You may need other treatment, I know I will definitely need radiotherapy at least, but I view that as sweeping up just to ensure every last cell is gone! 

9. Don’t talk about getting back to normal. Accept that normal has changed and embrace your new normal! Set goals for the future. I’ve done this and will talk about that soon.

So while I wouldn’t wish this journey on anyone, I’m hoping to take some of the fear out of it I’m 5 days post surgery now and if anyone finds any of these hints and tips useful, then I’m really pleased! Yay!


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