A New Normal

 Don’t get me wrong, I’m delighted that Damien the bastard tumour is gone but now that the initial healing is over, it’s taking a while to adjust to this being my new normal.

It hasn’t helped that the past week has been rough. Last Friday I thought I might have an infection in the wound, Doctor would not fit me in so I was sent to a poly clinic. Nurse there literally glanced at my boob and then prescribed antibiotics. Next day I started taking them and on Sunday I had the most awful reaction to them and physically couldn’t continue. So I headed to my local hospital in search of help. Doctor I saw this time thought I might have a very slight infection and gave me a cream. Since then the wound has calmed down but one patch is oozing slightly at times. 

The only good point of the week was going for physio and basically being discharged because I’ve done well. I have new exercises and can start soft tissue massage.

I felt quite good after this but yesterday probably used my arm too much and I have two puffy areas on my hand which I’m freaking out about in case they are the start of lymphoedema. I’m at high risk for this because of having all my lymph nodes removed on one side. It’s incurable and unpleasant. Go Google it and you’ll see. 

I finally have an appointment with my consultant next week to get checked over, get my pathology results and find out what’s next. So the fear is rising again! 

The alternative to all this is obviously much worse and the Grim Reaper can piss off! But it doesn’t stop all this from being a bit crap and hard to accept as my new normal 

So remember Ladies, check your boobs! Mine tried to kill me!


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