Delays and Detours

 So about a month ago I went back to see my consultant for a post op check up and to get my pathology results. I went in there feeling pretty good and expecting just to talk about radiotherapy. Ha! I couldn’t have been more wrong!!

Firstly the pathology results. I knew there were 3 small tumours but pathology found an extra one making four in total. They also found 3 clusters of DCIS which is a type of non invasive cancer that has the potential to become invasive. Also surgery did not have clear margins on one side.

All the lymph nodes were removed, I knew the 2 biopsied had cancer cells but pathology found 7 positive nodes out of the 22 removed.

None of this was good news! The amount of tumours and the unclear margin made a mastectomy a necessity. The number of positive lymph nodes meant the chances that this had spread elsewhere had increased.

My consultant said I would need a bone scan and ct scan before progressing. He tried to reassure me that the surgery had got all the visible cancer and this was all just a sweep up. 

The bone scan was fun as I had to be injected with radioactive dye first. I kept waiting for my superpowers to be revealed! Haha. The ct scan also needed an injection and the nurse had trouble finding a vein so I ended up with a big black bruise on the back of one hand.

The long wait for the results ended today when I went back to see my consultant. I was absolutely petrified as I knew bad results would change my diagnosis to Stage 4 - incurable.

Thankfully the scans were both fine although I have gallstones apparently and arthritis in my knees! So my diagnosis stays at stage 3 cancer. I now have a firmer treatment plan going forward. We are still throwing everything at it to reduce the chance of a recurrence as this was quite aggressive 

Basically this means a mastectomy within the next month and I’ve decided against reconstruction. I may post separately about my reasons for this as there’s quite a lot to say. I get 6-8 weeks to recover from surgery before starting 4 months of chemo. I assume I’ll get a little break after that before radiotherapy but hasn’t been confirmed.

So this is where I’m at now. It was a hold up and a detour for the scans but I’m back on track now and just have to keep my anxiety under control so my blood pressure behaves before the surgery this time! 

As for the bloody gallstones, I’ll deal with them once I’ve finished this cancer journey! 


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