Mentally Tough

It’s been quite a hard seven days, to be honest. I had my first medical oncologist appointment in which they set out the treatment plan for me. This involves them bombarding you with information and getting you to sign consent forms for various things. The good news was that chemo is shorter than expected with only six infusions. The thing that is causing me a lot of stress is the hormone therapy that will follow active treatment. They want me to take an aromase inhibitor for 10 years plus infusions of a bisophosphate every six months for three years. This appears to be the NHS standard care for post menopausal women. I was sent home with additional info to read about all this when I got home and that’s when I started to see problems. All aromas inhibitors contain lactose. I am strongly lactose intolerant. The inhibitors also thin your bones. I already have arthritis in my back and both knees. The 3 years of bisophosphate infusions are supposed to counteract the bone thinnin...