
Showing posts from July, 2024

Lip service

 People are funny. When I first published the blog posts about having breast cancer, I got lots of messages and comments. It was quite uplifting as some were from people that I don’t really talk to as well as from people that I expected to respond. The funny thing is that after that, the messages dried up. Now cancer doesn’t go away overnight and, to be honest, I’ve had a setback that means I’ll be in some sort of treatment until next Spring. I’ve come to the conclusion though that a lot of those initial messages were just lip service. People felt oh I’ve commented and said let me know if you need anything so I’ve done my bit now I’ll just get on with my life. I don’t know if being a society soaked in social media has contributed to this. People feel they can keep up with your life without actually having to see or talk to you. Maybe it’s because they just don’t really care enough? Who know? Maybe I’m just bitter but I think I would have checked in with someone more often if they were

A New Normal

 Don’t get me wrong, I’m delighted that Damien the bastard tumour is gone but now that the initial healing is over, it’s taking a while to adjust to this being my new normal. It hasn’t helped that the past week has been rough. Last Friday I thought I might have an infection in the wound, Doctor would not fit me in so I was sent to a poly clinic. Nurse there literally glanced at my boob and then prescribed antibiotics. Next day I started taking them and on Sunday I had the most awful reaction to them and physically couldn’t continue. So I headed to my local hospital in search of help. Doctor I saw this time thought I might have a very slight infection and gave me a cream. Since then the wound has calmed down but one patch is oozing slightly at times.  The only good point of the week was going for physio and basically being discharged because I’ve done well. I have new exercises and can start soft tissue massage. I felt quite good after this but yesterday probably used my arm too much an